hello! i'm sugarcubestars. you can call me cube if you want. welcome to my website! it's a work in progress, so please forgive any glaring mistakes you may come across. otherwise, I hope you enjoy your time in my funny little corner of the internet.
  • status: offline
  • last seen: sleeping, probably?

find me in other places!

  • neopets: reflectmoon
  • tumblr: spatialrend
  • twitter: sugarcubestars
  • instagram: sugarcubestars
  • inkblot: sugarcubestars

i also have accounts on deviantart, artfol, reddit, and twitch under sugarcubestars, but I don't use them much. if you see accounts under sugarcubestars anywhere other than what's listed here, that's (probably) not me!

like the site? link back with a button!

Site Updates

08/11/2022 - it's been a while! apologies for the absence, i've been busy! back to what's relevant to the site: updated about page, and i started on that recipe project! right now there's only the first four (or, there's three but the missing one is still listed), but i'll try to stick with episode order in terms of translating them. also replaced the blog page with it, because let's be real, i was never going to be able to write an entry, let alone multiple. oh well!

30/04/2022 - added guestbook, art, and project pages! also fixed some spelling errors that i don't think anyone but me knew about.

29/04/2022 - site launched! some pages are still missing, but they're not really that important just yet.